The illustrations probably can sum up the concerns one might have regarding the investment in private homes.
Factors such as the fear of servicing heavy mortgage loans, incurring additional expenses each month, and the constant nag by the older generation telling us that HDB flat as the first purchase is the safest bet and to work hard & save so as to have a better retirement.
It may then seem easier to just avoid this discussion altogether and choose the comforts of being ignorant and continue happily staying in your current home – because ignorance is bliss, isn’t it? It isn’t a bad choice or wrong choice, but ultimately, is that
the best choice for one who yearns for a better lifestyle or earlier retirement?
Continue reading this article if you want to find out what’s best for you. I am pretty sure by the end of this article; you’ll have a
good idea on what’s the
best move that would benefit both you and the family.
Let’s take a look at the HDB price movement chart (Figure 1) below, which documents the quarterly resale price index over a 10-year period from 2011 to 2021. In 2013, the government introduced a cooling measure that dictates all HDB buyers’ loans be based on their Mortgage Servicing Ratio (MSR). This move has affected HDB prices
causing the market to dip for several years and only
rebounding in 2019. Many question why did the government do that? It is to
impede the escalating HDB resale prices that would cause the resale HDB market to be out of reach for many young couples. Afterall, isn’t it important for our elected representatives in parliament to help keep public housing affordable for generations to come?
Even though it took about
8 years for the HDB resale market to hit its previous peak, there were
many opportunities that a HDB owner could have taken during that period. Especially those who choose to keep their flats since the previous peak in 2012/2013, many have gone on to upgrade their property to an Executive Condominium or even a private property and have
made capital gains. Don’t fret if you feel like you’ve missed the train, there are still
plenty of opportunities awaiting you! But how long will this window period last is a golden question no one can answer. However, do take this chance to
learn more and
avoid similar mistakes. Later in the article, we will be taking a look at some examples of those who took action and how they benefited from it.